The Cell Phone vs. Cancer Debate Continues: Are Cell Phone Hazards Real?
Posted by EarthCalm Staff- Updated on 11/14/2018 to
For many years now, the cell phone–cancer debate has raged, continuing to leave us wondering if cell phone radiation hazards are actually real. Some researchers claim there is insufficient data to prove a direct link between cell phone radiation and cancer (or other health issues). Others argue, equally adamantly, that there is plenty of evidence of a link between them.
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EMF Health Debate: How to Avoid the Fear
Posted by EarthCalm Staff- Updated on 10/20/2018 to
Are EMFs (also known as electromagnetic radiation) dangerous? First-rate scientists can’t agree. Legitimate studies point to opposite findings. And while the controversy rages, our health is at stake. There’s a way to sidestep the debate and solve it for yourself without taking sides at all, and without buying in to fear.
Keeping Baby Safe and Healthy: Safe Baby Tips Experts Often Miss
Posted by EarthCalm Staff- Updated on 10/4/2018 to
One very important safety precaution for baby concerns the health hazards of exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMFs). EMFs come out of your electrical grid and all household appliances. Even more hazardous ones are emitted from all wireless devices, such as cell phones, cordless phones, computers, tablets, and anything else that connects to Wi-Fi. EMFs also come from wireless baby monitors.