The Smart Meter Controversy Rages On
Posted by EarthCalm Staff- Updated on 6/13/2019 to
The Smart Meter controversy continues. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEC) has now weighed in with its position on Smart Meter dangers in a letter to the Public Utilities Commission in CA.
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No More WiFi Headaches
Posted by EarthCalm Staff- Updated on 5/29/2019 to
Here at EarthCalm, we hear from a lot of people with health problems due to the many hours they spend at their computers. WiFi headaches are especially common.
Betsy G. of Palm Springs, CA told us about an interesting kind of headache that she started having after she’d installed WiFi in her home.
Communities Fighting Smart Meter Radiation
Posted by EarthCalm Staff- Updated on 5/1/2019 to
A fierce debate has been underway in the USA since the Government announced its intentions to replace all analogue meters in the country with the new smart meters. The Government claims that the meters will offer real time information on a household’s energy consumption, telling the consumer what they are spending their money on and allowing them greater ability to control their utility bills. This would enable the consumer to know how much it costs, for example, to leave a TV on standby each night.