For Vehicles
It’s easy to forget that our automobiles produce EMFs too, by way of their battery-fed electrical functions. This is especially true for hybrids! Additionally, most newer-model vehicles are now equipped with wireless features, so they are also producing high levels of microwave radiation! When considering how to cover all bases of life with EMF protection, our vehicles have fast become another top priority, alongside home, wireless, and wearable EMF protection.
Attach a Quantum Cell!
When you apply an EarthCalm Quantum Cell to the frame of your vehicle, it will immediately provide powerful levels of protection from your car’s EMF output. One patch is powerful by itself, but you can also apply several, so the level of defense can be boosted. Research on the Quantum Cell shows that DNA conductivity is greatly restored when this unassuming patch is applied, which is why we suggest attaching them to absolutely anything that produces man-made radiation, cars and trucks included. View Product
Research on the Quantum Cell:
1.The Efficacy of EarthCalm’s Quantum Cell to Prevent Damaging Effect of Cell Phone Radiation on Human DNA
by Glen Rein, PhD, Quantum Biology Research, March 2014
2. Test Report and Opinion on Physical and Biological Effects of EarthCalm EMF Protection Products
by Walter Hannes Medinger, M.Sc., Ph.D., June 15, 2012, IIREC
3. The Effects of the EarthCalm Quantum Cell on Heart Rate Variability and the Biofield – Part 1
by Lisa Tully, PhD, December 28, 2011, Energy Medicine Research Institute
4. The Effects of the EarthCalm Quantum Cell on Heart Rate Variability and the Biofield – Part 2
by Lisa Tully, PhD, December 28, 2011, Energy Medicine Research Institute